7 Tips to Make Your Next Beach Reading Experience Amazing

The calming sound of steady waves. The refreshing feeling of the ocean breeze. The warm sun reflecting off of the clear blue water. Sitting on the white, sandy beaches of Seven Mile Beach is one of my favorite things to do when I’m on the island—it’s so relaxing!
But because I spend most of my time working around the clock, it can be somewhat difficult to switch off. Even when I’m in vacation mode, it’s hard for me to stop on a dime because I’m used to going 90 miles per hour.
So, as relaxing as the beach is, I need something to help occupy my mind while I’m taking in the sights and sounds of the Caribbean. Last time I visited Christopher Columbus Condos, I brought along several book options and learned a few things about beach reading that I wanted to share for your next trip to the island.
1. Bring Sunglasses
This may seem obvious, but when you settle into your favorite spot on the beach, spread out your belongings, and open up your book, you’ll soon realize that you need some shades.
Even if you’re under a cool, shady cabana, the sun will find a way into your eyes—the ocean is known for reflecting that glistening sunshine. After I broke my only pair of sunglasses, my beach reading experience was all but over.
If you’re in need of a new pair of sunglasses, I found a good selection at Cost U Less, which is only a few minutes down Esterley Tibbets Highway from the condos. I bought two pairs to be safe and raced back to the beach.
2. Apply Sunscreen, Then Read
If you’re under a cabana, the sun may not be an issue, but if you plan on reading on the beach for more than 20 minutes, be sure to apply sunscreen BEFORE you settle in.
There’s nothing worse than getting sunscreen all over your book—except maybe a severe sunburn.
3. Bring More Than One Book
When I’m at home, I tend to read for 20-30 minutes a few times per week, so it takes me a long time to finish a book. This is not the case when you’re beach reading!
I flew through my first book and didn’t have a backup.
My wife, on the other hand, brought three books along and read over 1,000 pages. Unlike me, she knew what she was doing. But if you do find yourself in need of a good book, the next two tips have you covered.
4. Visit a Local Bookstore
If you came to the island without a book or cruised right through the only book you had on hand, you could always visit a local bookstore. My favorite was the Book Loft at the local Humane Society.
Not only will you find a great selection of used books for your beach reading adventure, but you’ll also be supporting precious animals in need on the island. Buy some great books AND support cute animals? Yes, please!
5. Try Audiobooks Instead
Remember how I raced through my book and didn’t have anything left to read? Well, one of my vacation buddies told me to try an Audiobook instead.
My first reaction was, “But I won’t be able to hear the ocean.”
His response was awesome, “Yeah, but you’ll be able to see it instead.”
While you’re reading your book, you can only see your pages, and you can see those at home, right? You came to an island for the breathtaking views and audiobooks allow you to take it all in while you listen to an excellent book.
Best of all, if you have a problem concentrating on your book when other people are around you, an audiobook will cover up those sounds as well.
Even better than that, if you’ve never used Audible, you can get a free trial here and download two free audiobooks. If you have a local library, download Overdrive and check out ebooks and audiobooks for free before you leave for vacation.
6. Bring Earbuds or Earplugs
If you’re an early riser and get out to the beach early, you’re going to find peace and quiet. You’ll be able to relax while you listen to the gentle waves and chirping birds.
But as the day moves on, more people will make their way out onto the sand.
Some people can tune out the chit chat of other beach goers, but I’m not one of those people. Luckily I had earbuds, Spotify, and WiFi access courtesy of Christopher Columbus Condos.
7. Waterproof Everything
Whether it’s a hardback book, e-reader, or a smartphone, it’s always a good idea to waterproof everything that you can.
You never know when you might drop your book or spill your favorite cocktail, so it’s always better to be safe than sorry. You can make DIY book covers or buy waterproof cases for your phone or e-reader on Amazon.
Soak It In and Enjoy!
So, there you have it—a few lessons I learned the hard way. If you’re planning to do some serious beach reading on your next trip, following these tips is going to make an amazing experience even better.
Did I miss any tips you’ve picked up in your travels? Drop them in the comments below. I’d love to hear them.