Countdown to Cayman

One of our very favorite comments to see guests post on social media, is “30 more days” or insert just about any number in the quotes! (Meaning 30 or however many more days until you and your family or friends get to join us at Christopher Columbus Condos.)
We love these comments because we know it means you’re so excited that you’re literally counting down the days. And we don’t blame you. Grand Cayman is the best place in the entire world. Although, we may be just a little biased.
So, whether you are about to make your first trip to visit us or you are coming back for the 5th time, we thought it would be nice to share a few creative ways to countdown to Cayman and build on the excitement.
Craft time!
1. Make a Dry Erase Sign
Print out a sign with any words you want and put in a glass frame! Grab a dry erase marker and update the number everyday.
2. Create Your Own Pineapple Countdown
A tropical twist on a classic construction paper craft. You’ll need scissors, a pencil, tape and of course, construction paper. Take off a ring each day, and when it’s gone it’s time to go to the beach!
3. Eat One Treat a Day
This idea is both delicious and helpful for kids to see how much time has passed and how much is left before your big trip! Fill up a jar with whichever candy or snack you choose. With each day that passes by eat one piece of the snack inside until the day you leave for your Cayman Vacation!
4. Download a Countdown App on Your Phone
There are a ton of options for both Android and iPhone users to download an app and carry their countdown to Cayman reminder with them wherever they go! We like the Dreamdays (iPhone app & Android app) because you can customize your event background with your own photos. (You can also use backgrounds provided with the app for 99¢.)
If you use any of the ideas above or if you’ve done something else to countdown to Cayman we would love to see it! Use the hashtag #loveccc and #countdowntocayman and we may feature your post on the Christopher Columbus Condos social media pages!
Hopefully these tips add extra excitement before your trip, and if you don’t already have a trip planned get to planning over on our Availability and Rates page!