14 Fish You May See While Snorkeling or Diving

There are approximately 1,000 species of fish swimming around in the Caribbean Sea, and diving and snorkeling in Grand Cayman gives you the opportunity to swim with some of these beautiful creatures. Below we’ve identified 10 fish that our guests and condo owners have recently spotted while vacationing in Grand Cayman. All of these photos were taken by either guests or owners of Christopher Columbus Condos, so we have solid proof they’re out there! Keep in mind there are many more fish and even mammals, crustaceans and more to see while underwater in the Cayman Islands. This is just a small sneak peak!
14. French Angelfish
Photo taken by our guest, Christine Bart.
13. Blue Tang
Photo taken by one of our condo owners, Marsha O’Daniel.
12. Queen Angelfish
Photo taken by our guest, Christine Bart.
11. Foureye Butterflyfish
Photo taken by one of our condo owners, Marsha O’Daniel.
10. Spotfin Butterflyfish
Photo taken by our guest, Jason Hawk.
9. Silverside Fish
Photo taken by one of our condo owners, Marsha O’Daniel.
8. Lionfish (an invasive species)
Photo taken by one of our condo owners, Marsha O’Daniel.
7. Horse-Eye Jack Fish
Photo taken by one of our condo owners, Marsha O’Daniel.
6. Trumpet Fish
Photo taken by one of our condo owners, Marsha O’Daniel.
5. Remora
Photo taken by one of our condo owners, Marsha O’Daniel.
4. Yellow Stingray
Photo taken by our guest, Brandon Keesee. Fish identified with "Reef Fish Identification, Florida Caribbean Bahamas" by Paul Humann & Ned Deloach.
3.Whitespotted Filefish
Photo taken by our guest Frank Kaufman. Fish identified with "Reef Fish Identification, Florida Caribbean Bahamas" by Paul Humann & Ned Deloach.
2. Porcupinefish
Photo taken by our guest Frank Kaufman. Fish identified with "Reef Fish Identification, Florida Caribbean Bahamas" by Paul Humann & Ned Deloach.
1. Hogfish
Photo taken by our friends Kevin & Jackey Downey.
Have you seen any of these fish while diving in Grand Cayman?